Saturday, 11 May 2013

Sunday 5th May: Void @ Cafe 1001 / Colony vs Scand Bank Holiday Special @ Corsica Studios

Grab a cuppa. This is a long one - good to be thorough...

And so here it comes... that moment when you return to a club you went to before and had the best time ever... will it live up to it's own expectation???

Yes and no is the answer. Me and DSL saved ourselves for a Sunday marathon techno session. We stayed in Friday and Saturday and did DIY and ate like kings. Void was hotly anticipated after the last one we went to. Since writing that last review I've had a lot more views on the blog and made facebook friends with some of the VOID crew so I thought it only fair to return for the whole thing this time, not just one set. However, DSL and I are crap at being anywhere on time and then a couple of my mates from Cambridge decided to drive down and come with us and didn't arrive until mid afternoon, then I forgot about engineering works so we spent ages in transit. In the end, as per usual, we were late. I totally missed Randolph's set (sorry!). At least we tried... unlike TIR and Jammy who buggered off to see Richie Hawtin's Red Bull Music Academy pop up in Dalston (20 techno points lost to each of them by order of Ashley Borg). It wouldn't be so bad but TIR didn't even get in and has only a photo of a crowded alleyway to show for his efforts. TECHNO FAIL.