Friday, 22 February 2013

Blueprint @ Cable Sat 15th Feb 2013

It was a tough old week in the lead up to Blueprint.
We lost a dear friend who died previous weekend and will be sorely missed by all who knew him – RIP David Hills, AKA Dave Saunders. I can’t claim to have known Dave well at all having only spent one evening and some light hearted facebook chat in his company, but others in our techno posse have been friends with Dave for many years – run club nights with him, partied with him and been his close friend through thick and thin. Never a sad face or a dull moment in Dave’s company and his FB wall alone is testament to the amazing life he led and the huge number of gobsmacked people who are stunned and saddened by his death.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Sat 2nd / Sun 3rd Feb 2013, Melt & Jaded

Welcome to the first post in Abbi's Adventures! I like techno; I like writing. Voila.

A slightly late start to the year - after a much needed January break 2013 clubbing kicked off with an epic weekend. A huge group of us were out to celebrate DA's birthday and he & SL's imminent departure to live in Australia; others were out purely to dance about and then there were the crazy folks who just couldn't let us go out without them...even though they had a 6am flight to go snowboarding.